Because It’s All About My Vase, Bout My Vase, Oh Flowers!

It’s the height of summer and everything is growing wild and I love it. The bee’s are rolling around in the plants in ecstasy and their happiness is most certainly contagious, you can feel their joyous vibrations as the buzz about the place.

This week in my cut flower vase I wanted to create summer, you know the laid back evenings that are warm and chilled with frills around the hedges……. sorry I meant edges 🙂

So here it is this weeks arrangement


The yellow loosestrife (Lysimachia punctata) on the allotment I have grown to absolutely love. As I walk down the alley to get to the plot you can smell it’s honey nectar, it’s stronger the closer you get and the bees are of plenty in their tiny elements.

The daisies (Leucanthemum  maximum) are starting to come through strongly too dancing alongside the loosestrife, it’s amazing how the allotment pallete has gone from blues and oranges to yellows and whites. And the feverfew (Tanacetum parthenium) was a new addition next to the newly built wildlife area.

The good thing about these flowers in an arrangement is that they have a good vase life, lasting anywhere from 7-10 days in clean water with a drop of sugar syrup.

Anyway I’m going to let the flowers do the talking!





Thanks for stopping by!

Brightest Blessings,

Bo x


  1. Anneontheshelf says:

    So lovely! Thank you, thank you. Never grown Loosestrife. Think I will. These daisies are fantastic every year. Just look after themselves.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Michelle - The Bohemian Raspberry says:

      I think I might trying growing the Purple Loosestrife too next year! I didn’t like the loosestrife at first but now I love it! 🙂


  2. Beryl says:

    Loosestrife looks amazing! I bet it would be stunning with the deep reds in dahlias too….hmmmmm….googles for seeds….

    You are bad for my wallet! 😀

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Michelle - The Bohemian Raspberry says:

      It is Beryl, it’s teamed with a red dahlia with a yellow eye in my next vase blog post 🙂

      I should be able to collect some seed from mine for you and send them. I will look into it 🙂


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